All products have been thoroughly tested and production plants are fully compliant with the highest EU environmental standards.

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Recyclable Packaging

Environmental protection is one of the key factors that we take into account when designing a business policy, since many different chemicals and materials requiring special disposal procedures are used in the production process. All products have been thoroughly tested and production plants are fully compliant with the highest EU environmental standards.

We also advocate for energy efficiency and preservation of resources in the production process, which are achieved by reducing the consumption of liquids to the lowest possible level and by the partial drying process. Water, electricity and natural gas are thus saved and the amount of waste is reduced to the minimum.

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Ecology E

Our entire
Company is
committed to

Only raw materials that have been rigorously tested by the appropriate institutions are used in the production of our products, and the whole production process is compliant with applicable ISO standards.

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EU Legislation

We consistently apply the legislation of the Republic of Serbia, which is harmonized with the regulations of the European Union in the field of environmental protection.

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Biodegradable materials

We apply new, energy-efficient technical and technological knowledge, use biodegradable raw materials, recyclable packaging materials and follow all trends in the field of ecology.

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Sustainable development

We responsibly manage chemicals and packaging, natural resources and energy, striving to adapt to all global and local challenges of sustainable development.

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We protect nature

Our products are packed in recyclable packaging with the sign “We protect nature”.

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Recycled products

All our waste is recycled and used to obtain recycled products.

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Emissions reduction

We reduce the emission of harmful gases and the emission of pollutants in water in order to leave as little “ecological footprint” as possible.

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Cap for handicap

We actively participate in the action “Cap for handicap”.
